Make Your Own Web 2.0 logos


do you think web 2.0 logos are cool,like this one

and this

But you dont know how to make them ...right???
So  just go in commentbox of this post and write 
1 . what u want instead of "Title Goes Here"
2. What u want instead
 of "Discription Goes Here"
3.Logo if you want one ( you can upload your logo at photobucket and give it to me here.)
colours will be randomly choosed by me 
and if you want a definate colour tell it to me too .if you want
.Then i will post your request here.
thats it my friend 

First request
can you make a logo for this website?
1.Neobux money no honey........
then you need it.
i ll be very thankfull to you

heres logo for u dear

hope you like it

thank you man ..can you make one more of
2.No money no honey
Then you need it......
Thank you again are great:)

Hope you like it again .Actually this time i have made it little different 

Display a list of all posts in Blogs

To type in the links for blog posts was a very lengthy process, also it needed to be updated every time you post.But the method I use is very simple and works within seconds.Which ever blogging platform you are using, this method should work. All you require is a feed of your blog. Blogger has an inbuilt feed option for you. Your RSS feed URL should be .Now you need to convert this into a simple javascript coding. You can get one converted here. Fill in all the details you want.

After you had that converted, Go to Dashboard > Layout > Page Elements > Add a Page Element > HTML / Javascript. Paste the javascript code you obtained in it. Click on save . Now give your blog a look . It worked !

This method can also be used for displaying recent posts list after posts or in the sidebar.
For this, you have to change the number of post titles to be displayed.
To add a recent posts list after each post , you need to parse the Javascript code. It can be done here. Then paste the parsed javascript in your XML template in this line “post footer line 2” paste it there and see the results.

Note:: This will only give recent posts and not the previous posts.